PostEurop General Assembly 2024 – Belgrade, Serbia.

The PostEurop General Assembly 2024 will be hosted by Post of Serbia in Belgrade, Serbia.

Dear esteemed colleagues,

It is a great honour for the Republic of Serbia, our capital and the Public Enterprise “Post of Serbia”, after more than a decade, to once again write its name on the map of the hosts of the prestigious international meeting, the General Assembly of PostEurop and the accompanying Business Forum. For us, it is both a great compliment and a responsibility, because we believe that the role of the host is deserved by the results.

We are very proud of the contribution that the Post of Serbia makes to the European and global postal community in times of various challenges, during which our traditional industry is being transformed with each day. All of us are daily committed to modernising the standards of postal activity and improving the universal postal service. We introduce novelties, use modern technologies to increase the range of services and improve them, shorten delivery times, create new ways and paths and increase reliability.

We place emphasis on last mile delivery, on the fastest possible development of electronic services, implementation of AI technologies in logistics, processing operations, development of intelligent systems for predicting needs, fast processing of a large amount of data on postal items, better and more comprehensive monitoring.

We do all this with the most important goal – innovating activities and modernising services, providing the highest quality services for our customers, increasing efficiency and competitiveness, creating a sustainable future.

That is why we have great expectations from this General Assembly, that by exchanging expert knowledge and improving theory and practice, we will provide a significant contribution to the European postal professional community, and by connecting all of us for whom the development of postal activity is a professional choice, inspiration and challenge, we will once again push the boundaries.

We cordially await you in October, fully prepared for you to receive the most beautiful impressions from Belgrade and experience for yourself our well-known hospitality. Welcome.

Kind regards,

Zoran Anđelković, Acting Director of PE Post of Serbia