
Suspension of the Membership rights of JSC Russian Post and RUE Belpochta

Following the recent changes to PostEurop’s Statutes, the PostEurop Board of Directors met on 23 June 2022 and have decided the subsequent steps with regards to the temporary suspension of JSC Russian Post and RUE Belpochta’s membership rights.

Considering the war in Ukraine and as a result of the request from a high number of PostEurop members, the PostEurop Board of Directors decided, in accordance with the relevant internal rules,

  • to suspend with immediate effect the membership rights of Russian Post and Belpochta within PostEurop;
  • the temporary suspension of the two above-mentioned PostEurop Members has taken effect on 23 June 2022 as from 24:00 (CET) and until the General Assembly on 5 October 2022;
  • PostEurop Members will decide at the General Assembly on 5 October 2022 on the possible extension of the suspension of the two above-mentioned PostEurop Members.

It is important to note that, this decision does not impact the postal services.