
Interview with Jean-Paul Forceville

PostEurop Chairman

Congratulations Jean-Paul on being elected Chairman of the PostEurop Management Board for the fourth consecutive mandate. As a member-driven Association, PostEurop relies on your leadership and the Management Board governance to stir, grow and defend the industry’s interest. We take this opportunity to ask you a few questions:

PostEurop: Can you share with our readers some of the highlights from your last mandate? What are you most proud of?

We can say that this third mandate has been quite demanding! We have handled important cases both at European and global level. At the UPU, in fact, we experienced the crisis on remuneration rates and the threat of departure from the United States. The debate was very intense among our members. I am glad that this debate took place under good spirit and that even the terms of the compromise reached in Geneva could be outlined within our association. At European level, I will remember the exemplary work that we have done on the Commission’s draft regulation on cross-border parcels and which enabled us to reach a reasonable text.

Finally, we continued to ensure that all our members’ expectations were met thanks to the “Best Practice – Wider Europe” Transversal and the creation of RADAR – the “small countries” Transversal, which are all places for exchange, sharing and synergies.

PostEurop: What are the key challenges for PostEurop in 2020 and beyond?

First of all, we have to prepare the Congress in Abidjan. There are plenty of topics: range of products, remuneration, pension funds, contributions, etc. And then the latest, the opening of the Union which will require our comments. Within the European Union, we will have to oversee the studies related to the postal directive and their possible follow-up, but also the evaluation of the regulation on parcels which I mentioned earlier, a possible e-commerce directive, etc. And then, we can see how topics related to corporate social responsibility and environmental conservation are becoming more and more important. Finally, customs matters are worrying and will mobilise us in the coming months.

PostEurop: Drawing from your experience, what are the key strengths of PostEurop? How do we build on these strengths?

When we speak with one voice, we are powerful. This ability to work together, to listen to each other, to learn from each other is forged over time. In 26 years, we have made a lot of progress. We must continue down this road. We have the best postal experts in the world, in all fields. This is one of our greatest strengths. Let’s mobilise them more and in a better way.
And then, among the key success factors of PostEurop, I would underline the prominent role of the headquarter staff. The team is small, it is a choice, and highly requested, it is a fact, but always mobilised and relevant.

PostEurop: How can PostEurop bring more added-value to Members?

It should be remembered that PostEurop is driven by its members. They shape it from day to day within all our bodies. We must constantly pay more attention to emerging phenomena which may eventually have an impact on our sector. The protection of privacy or the irresistible rise of platforms did not fit into our “boxes”. During the previous mandate, we invested energy into it. Too late? That is a question that can be raised. Let’s remain vigilant in the future to detect the developmental gaps that will impact us tomorrow.

PostEurop: What would be your top advice for Members on the new Management Board?

The Management Board team is relatively stable. I have no doubt that we will continue to work in a spirit of mutual listening and in the permanent search for consensus. I also want the Board Members to listen to our members and explain to them the decisions we make, if necessary.

PostEurop: Are there thoughts that you would you like to share with the Members?

I would like to say how proud I am of the trust which was once again granted to me by the Management Board and more generally by the members of our Union. I will continue to do everything I can to prove myself worthy of it. We have in our hands a wonderful tool for our members, let us know how to use it, how to make it live, how to make it as flexible and responsive as required in today’s world.

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Cynthia Wee-Neumann
Communications & Public Affairs Manager